



上界是一个 联邦三重奏计划 由美国资助.S. 教育部通过竞争性拨款. 目前,CR是仅有的964家公司之一 美国的上进项目. The goal of 向上的束缚 is to increase the rate at which participants complete high school and enroll in and graduate from college.


  • 帮助学生准备大学入学. 
  • Opportunities to succeed in precollege performance and ultimately in higher education pursuits.



  • 就读于8 -12年级;
  • 就读或即将就读我们所服务的高中.
  • 愿意尝试严格的高中课程.
  • 对大学或职业技术教育感兴趣.
  • 收入合格**及/或第一代***.

请填写我们的在线申请表 我们的学术顾问会安排面试.



  • Earn school credit and live like a college student for 5-6 weeks during our summer camp.
  • 去参观大学,参加领导会议,接受指导...
  • 寻求大学/职业规划方面的帮助.
  • 在支付大学学费方面寻求帮助. 此外,有资格获得戴尔学者奖学金.
  • 在你的学校获得免费辅导.
  • Receive stipends 为你r full-time participation in Redwoods 向上的束缚 during the school year and summer.

*上进学员及其家人无需支付任何费用. 所有费用都由美国政府拨款支付.S. 教育部.

** 联邦三重奏指南 used to determine income eligibility are relatively generous and are based on "Taxable income" and not gross income.

***Neither parent has earned a Bachelors Degree at the time of admission to 向上的束缚.



  • 请在你的学校现场与向上跳跃的指导人员预约. 你的辅导员可以帮助你做到这一点.
  • 填写并提交 申请表格 或下载 PDF应用程序.
  • 请老师或辅导员填写 推荐表格 为你.
  • 在你完成我们的申请后, 向上发展顾问会在你的学校联系你面试.


  • 在学年期间, 向上绑定为参与者提供辅导服务, 学术和职业咨询, 在选择大学和准备经济援助表格方面提供帮助. 这些服务是在他们的高中提供的. 
  • 向上跳跃也全年组织实地考察和文化活动. 
  • Many participants take advant年龄 of the opportunity to take college classes while in high school. 向上的束缚 can assist in the concurrent enrollment and registration process but unfortunately is unable to assist with the cost of books.
  • 在夏天, 向上的束缚 participants may attend our free three-part academic and residential programs. 
  • First is our College Blitz night which is an orientation for all new students to learn about college and careers. 在这个方向上, 向上的束缚 staff come to your local College of the Redwoods campus to deliver fun and informative workshops geared toward launching you on the path to college readiness. 
  • Next is the four day college tour which every student is eligible to participate in at least once by the end of high school. On this trip students will have the opportunity to visit multiple types of college campuses around different area's of California and attend some fun cultural activities. 这次旅行是为11年级的学生准备的, 如果有多余的名额,我们会给10年级的学生提供一些名额.  
  • Last is the 5-week academic residential program which is open to all participants in 向上的束缚. This takes place at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California from June 23rd-July 25th, 2024.

由“学术," we mean that participants take classes that are either college classes or classes that are organized by 向上的束缚. Students may choose from a variety of diverse and enriching classes designed to enhance skills necessary to succeed in high school and transition to college. 我们开设作文课, 文学, 数学, 实验室科学, 外语, 电脑, 还有其他科目. 我们的课程帮助参与者在他们的高中获得选修学分. 他们也可以在有时间的时候报名参加皇冠365官方app的课程.

By "residential" we mean that participants live on campus in the dorms for a true college-simulated experience.

We also offer a Summer Bridge Program for recent high school graduates to help them bridge to college life. These participants take a college class and are employed in a work-study position on campus. 他们也可以住在宿舍,并参加住宿顾问实习. 

参与者在暑假期间学到了很多关于大学的知识. 他们也会与正在上大学的导师一起工作. 我们的许多导师在高中时都是上进计划的参与者.

This year we have an exciting new component that will allow students who are unable to attend the summer program to take an online class and still be able to earn some high school elective credits. 我们将尽快发布更多消息, 但是如果你有任何直接的问题,你可以皇冠365官方app的办公室. 



向上的束缚 provides services year-round with the school year focus on tutoring and advising. 我们正在寻找有能力用英语做家教的导师, 数学(所有级别), 科学, 还有外语. 理想的导师可以在午餐时间与学生在学校见面, 自修室, 或者放学后. 他们还必须能够承诺在整个学年(9月至6月)工作。. 我们的导师可以免费获得辅导培训和认证.

应用, 请下载以下文件并递交申请, 还有一封给我们办公室的求职信.




—2024年夏季项目申请: 招聘数学/科学教师!


我们期待着今年的上进暑期住宿项目! Much of our success can be attributed to the enthusiasm and expertise of our teaching staff each summer. Teaching for 上界是一个 great opportunity to work with dynamic youth who aspire to go to college but who need extra support to get there. You will help us provide underrepresented high school students with the opportunity to learn in a challenging but supportive environment. 我们邀请您通过提交申请成为今年计划的一部分, 求职信, 一份课程建议. 教师将获得一(1)大学单位和每小时25美元(需要75小时). 有青少年教学和工作经验者优先.

We are seeking course proposals that offer project-based or hands-on learning opportunities and preferably courses that teach more than one subject-matter. 例如, 一门课可能有一个戏剧艺术主题,要求学生写作, 分析文献, 学习历史, 然后表演一段独白. 另一个可能是环境科学主题,包括实验室项目, 科学的方法, 批判性思维, 说明性写作. 有关基于项目的学习的更多信息,请参见 基于项目的学习简介(视频)

Please be aware that temporary staff at College of the Redwoods are only paid once a month on the 10th of each month so you will not receive your first paycheck until July 10th and then again on August 10th. 





Feel free to give us a call at (707) 476-4278 or (707) 476-4303 if you have any questions.


1)填写申请表. (PDF)

2)创建课程建议使用我们的 template. 你可以提交一份以上的提案供审议. You will need to upload your course proposal to your CR Online Application before you submit your application.


—2024年夏季项目申请 关闭

Our summer program residential staff are inspiring and influential mentors who help our participants realize their college dreams. 住宿人员提供乐趣, 安全, and rewarding experiences to participants who are living away from home for 5 weeks during the summer. All residential staff are expected to reside in the residence halls while the program is in session. 除了小时工资, 住宿工作人员免费获得食宿. 住宿员工也接受带薪培训. 所有职位都要求完成至少一年的大学学习. Ideal applicants will be recent college graduates OR were enrolled in college or graduate school during the 2023-24 academic year. 我们的暑期课程将于2024年6月23日至7月25日举行.

Please be aware that temporary staff at College of the Redwoods are only paid once a month on the 10th of each month so you will not receive your first paycheck until July 10th and then again on August 10th. 

 如有任何问题,请皇冠365官方app的办公室. 我们办公室的电话是:707-476-4277.

We are seeking mentors for the following positions: (All pay rates are up to date as of 1/13/2024)

住宿协调员* (RC) $18/小时,(1个职位,每周约40小时): 申请的第一次审查:2024年3月1日.  暂定雇佣日期:2024年6月30日- 8月1日. 6月将增加额外的培训天数. TBD.

Residential Advisor (RA), $16/hour (multiple positions @ approximately 30 hours/week): 申请的第一次审查:2024年3月1日. 暂定雇佣日期:2024年6月30日- 8月1日. 6月将增加额外的培训天数. TBD..

面包车司机和救生员(工作时间和工资不同): Please contact our office for information on these positions and for application instructions. 打电话给707-476-4278.





3)  住宿职员申请 (需要adobereader).


*Priority is given to applicants who have been participants in outreach programs for disadvant年龄d youth or who have faced and overcome similar barriers as our participants.



 1-800-641-0400 ext. 4277

